Friday, October 29, 2010

Get a room people! For some reason that remains unknown to me some people in society believe it is their responsibility to provide the public with free porn. PDA is gross, if you are a "PDA-er" stop now before it’s too late. I hate to burst your bubble but no one wants to witness you sucking the face of another person (and yes movie theaters are considered public... even if you are sitting in the last row). I do not care how madly in love you are with this person, or how sexually frustrated you are it is no excuse. My advice to you: find a bedroom fast, but until you do refrain from exposing yourself to the world. Oh and another thing just because you and your significant other are hanging out in a group with your buddies it does not by any means justify an intense make out session for all to see.

There is a fine line between PDA and an acceptable loving embrace. Holding hand, adorable! A quick kiss every now and then, very cute! Dropping your drawers and "hoppin on dat", no need. It just makes it awkward for both parties involved and maybe it’s not your primary thought as you are passionately snogging; however, somewhere in that head of yours is a tiny little subconscious person who values dignity and manners and is shaking it's head at you. The good news as we get older we get wiser and it’s not a problem anymore, right? Wrong! We tend to have a bias outlook when it comes to PDA peoples thought tend to turn to teenagers and mall rats, unfortunately this is not always the case...

Now you may be asking yourself "what the hell happened to this poor poor child that made her feel so strongly on the matter?" The answer is quite simple: college. Everywhere you turn there are people naked, in the process of getting naked, and being "intimate" with each other. There is this one girl across the hall (who will remain anonymous) who was half naked straddling and dry humping her boy toy with the door wide open. The best part is she even stopped for a split second to yell out "oh hey Tori" before she resumed her foreplay. Bottom line here people what the public don’t know don’t hurt em. Resist the urge and help the cause against this foul deed.

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